Developing Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network partnership among EU, European Neighbourhood Policy countries and international organisations (NET-CBRN-REACT)

The aim is for better and more prompt disaster risk management in Eastern Europe and the Middle East through strengthening effectiveness and efficiency of collective civil protection and disaster management efforts within UCPM.
NET-CBRN-REACT was developed by an international, multi-stakeholder, consortium of government, academia, industry, civil society beneficiaries from Belarus, Germany Jordan, Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine and Poland, and international agencies, including Council of Baltic Sea States, and partners from Latvia, UN OCHA, WHO, OPCW. Scenario-based approaches will be applied to disaster risks that are common to Eastern Europe and the Middle East and will involve civil protection and disaster risk management actors from different thematic areas. Conducted within the project research and feasibility assessments of common good practices in preparedness and response to CBRN emergencies will result in new training and exercise opportunities and an on-line network of experts, to enhance Knowledge Network. The project will contribute to the implementation of the UN Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction by providing a better understanding of disaster risks in regions of Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and contribute to a disaster risk informed approach to EU emergency management and other relevant policies.