The Kick-Off of the RESISTANT project officially took place on 16 February 2021. Given current circumstances due to COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting took place remotely, gathering representatives of 7 consortium partners from Greece, Ireland, Croatia and North Macedonia and Ms. Fani Farmaki, Policy Officer at the Knowledge Network and Evidence-Based Policy (ECHO.B.3) Unit, in the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) of the European Commission.
All partners presented their responsibilities within the four work packages of the 18 months project. Ms Farmaki presented the main priorities of the “Union Civil Protection Mechanism Knowledge Network: Network Partnership (UCPM-2020-KN-AG)” call, key actions and next steps of the European Commission’s Civil Protection Knowledge Network.
The consortium is led by the International Hellenic University – IHU (Greece) supported by the Association of officers and sub-officers with university degrees of Hellenic Fire Corps -E.P.A.Y.P.S. (Greece), Konnekt-able Technologies Limited, Greek Branch – KTGR (Ireland), Military academy „General Mihailo Apostolski“, Skopje – MAGMA (North Macedonia), Croatian Crisis Management Association – CCMA (Croatia), Evia Rescue Team – S.A.R. 312 (Greece) and Rescue Team DELTA – RTD (Greece).
The agenda of the meeting is available here